Sunday, January 31, 2010


The Rocky Raccoon 100 takes place on a 20 miles loop. Runners repeat the loop 5 times. There are 5 aid stations. (1.0) Start(Dog Wood) 0.0 miles. (1.1) Nature Center 3.10 miles. (1.2)Dam Road (out) 6.19 miles. (1.3) Dam Road (in), 12.20 miles. (1.4) Park Road, 15.61 miles. (2.0) Nature Center, 20 miles. That is one loop. You run twice in each loop thru the Dam Road aid station. There is an out and back loop there that is approximately 6 miles. The cutoff times(you get stopped and can not keep on running) are: Loop 5: 5.0 Dogwood, 80.00 miles, 6 am Sunday. 5.1 Nature Center, 83.10 miles, 7 am Sunday. 5.2 Dam Road Out, 86.19 miles, 8 am Sunday. 5.3 Dam Road In, 92.20 Miles, 10 am Sunday. 5.4 Park Road, 95.61 miles, 11 am Sunday. 6.0 Dogwood 100 miles, 12 noon Sunday. I am hoping for the following splits: Lap 1: 4 hrs 30 minutes. Lap 2: 5 hours. Lap 3: 6 hours. Lap 4: 7 hours. Lap 5: 7 hours. That will give a total of 29 hrs 30 minutes and will get me in 30 minutes before cutoff. I will try to get somebody from my crew to post my progress(or lack of progress) on this blog.

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